Vive ut Vivas

My September Abroad Destinations: London, Dubrovnik (Croatia), Budva (Montenegro), Amsterdam, London

Location: Issaquah, Washington, United States

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The DAM and the cruise

Yesterday, after meeting some cool people and going till I was exhausted, I took a break at the hostel and fell asleep for a hour or two. After not eating since heathrow at noon, I ate a candybar and took a shower (it was really hot here yesterday 27Cel) to cool off a bit. Then I headed out again and got some nice night photos, and got some mcdonnals for some sort of food. (cheap too) Thank goodness I know how to read a map, and have a sense of direction. After wandering around and just looking at people I ended up smak dab in the midde of the red light district. There were women werring practly nothing in windows, and tons of men walking around. I made a bee line out of there, and ended up in a "bar"" just down the street from my hostel. I met two more americans, Lath and Lathius (seriously), from michigan. We talked till the bar closed, then I headed back to get a nights rest.

Today I have already been to the Van Gogh museum (cool, but not all his famous stuff), the hard rock cafe, H&M, and a few other places. The canals are awesome, there are SOOO many bikes everywhere, and everything I see would make a good picture.

The cruise in Dubrovnik to the three islands was really cool. I met some people from california, and a couple from new zeland, and spent a relaxing day on the water. I even had a great chicken lunch, it was drowning in butter and garlic, and too rich to finish. It was great. I have a ton of pictures, and left a prayer for 9/11 in a 15th centrury monestary.

Im having a blast!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah ~ I'm so glad to hear your having fun. I can't wait to see all the pictures. So I've got to ask what is H&M. You've written that a couple of times and maybe I'm just stupid but I can't figure out what that means. So when do you go back to london? It seems like you've been gone for ever and you still have another 4 or 5 days. It just not fair, I want to go on vacation for that long. Next time can you take me with you.
Talk to you later

6:16 AM, September 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

glad to hear you made it, i knew you would be traveling all day yesterday, but I was still checking to be sure you made it safe! HAve a great time. Can't wait to see you!!

8:26 AM, September 13, 2006  

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